With the temperature s soaring, it’s no easy task to stay indoors during the daytime, let alone be out in the sun. Our animal campanions are equally susceptible to the heat, and pet owners need to take special measures in summers to make sure they stay hydrated.
Unlike human beings, dogs, cats and birds possess limited ability to deal with the high levels of humidity and heat. The normal temperature of dogs, for example, is 37-39 degree C. Once the temperature crosses 40 degree C, the owner should realise that the pet is in a critical stage and immediately swing into action. Also, the human body deals with heat through sweat secreted by sebaceous glands of the skin. The lack of sebaceous glands makes canines more vulnerable to heat stress. Dogs release their body heat through their paw pads and by panting. However, certain breeds of dogs like boxers, pugs, shih tzus and bulldogs among others, have short muzzles and narrow nostrils and so can’t pant effectively. They will have a harder time managing the heat during the summer. The animals are particularly at risk if they are very old, very young, obese, not used to prolonged exercise or have any heart or respiratory diseases.

Cats can get easily dehydrated in the hot summers as they have a low thirst drive, more so if they are fed dry food. If you find your cat restlessly trying to find a cool spot to lay, panting, drooling, and grooming himself excessively, it is a sure sign of heat stroke. Short-nosed breeds, kittens, obese and elderly cats are more prone to heat stroke. If you find your cat in such a situation, immediately apply a cold, wet towel on its head and body. Bring it near a fan or air cooler or alternately, lay it in a tub of cool water.


Heatstroke is a common consequence of extreme temperatures. Some signs of heatstroke includes heavy panting, rapid heartbeat, difficulty in breathing, glazed eyes, excessive thirst, lethargy, fever, lack of coordination,  profuse salivation, vomiting, seizures, deep red or purple tongue and in severe cases, loss of consciousness. If unattended, the pet may slip into coma and even lose its life.

·         Move the pet to the shade or an air-conditioned room. Keep it on an elevated table/or on the floor in a well-ventilated room.
·         Apply an icepack or cold compress to its head, neck, and chest.
·         Allow it to drink small amounts of cool (not ice cold) water. If the pet is vomiting, avoid oral intake and consult the veterinarian for intravenous fluid.
·         Make sure the pet is not exposed to heat again.


v  Feed the pet before the day gets hot, ideally before 10 am.
v  Ensure that plenty of cool and fresh drinking water is available at all times to the pet.
v  On hot days, put a limit on exercising the pet if at all the pet needs to be walked, do it early in the morning or in the evening. While walking the pet, always carry water with you to avoid the pet getting dehydrated.
v  Never tie up or cage the pet in the sun. They should be kept in a cool and well-ventilated area.
v  It’s a myth that shaving dog’s hair completely will make it more comfortable during the summers. Hair acts as a natural temperature control and complete shaving may harm the pet in more ways than you think. If shedding is a concern for you, give the fur a trim, rather than a shave.
v  Regular baths are a must to keep the pet’s hair clean and healthy. Ticks and fleas may aggravate heat stress during the summer. Ensure regular combing/grooming to avoid matting of hair. Brushing and combing your pet’s hair regularly also ensures that extra shredding is taken care of and there is no dirt and mud in the fur to cause discomfort to the pet.

v  Never leave pets in parked cars. The heat inside a car with rolled up windows can kill a pet.
v  And lastly, make sure that you keep a bowl of water in your colony and in public places where stray animals can quench their thirst and also take some rest.
v  Summer care for your pet isn’t hard; it just requires some thought and attention. The key is to make sure your pet is comfortable and hydrated, and to watch out to watch out for warning signs.
